









Hung up without giving this information




TIME: 1.30pm





After speaking with Z, Mr X requested to speak with “someone higher” and so the call

Was transferred to me. I again explained our wet weather policy and the fact that all rides were operating with the exception of The Beach and Skyrider. Mr X asked me to put that in writing and fax it to him. He would then come down and if all rides were not operating he would sue us. I explained that I could not do that because even though all rides were currently operating I could not

guarantee this would be the case throughout the day as some rides may close at certain times for safety reasons. He told me that his wife told him that Hanna Barbera Land was closed, nothing operating.

I told him that this wasn’t correct that we had only had one ride not operating for 2 short periods this morning, all other rides were operating and had been all day. At this point he asked his wife something (I couldn’t here her) and he said to her “ I thought you told me nothing was working”.

He said that our policy was not good customer service and what would I do in his situation. I said that I don’t know if I would come on a rainy day however each individual's decision was there own. He then

said I was calling his family silly for going today and I said no you asked me what I would do. He asked

me what the weather was like now and I advised him that there were light showers. He asked what rides

Were closed and I told him only the Beach and Skyrider. He said that he would send his family back and if every ride was not operating he would take further action. I again advised him that we could not predict the weather and as such could not guarantee all rides operating for the rest of the day. He said that the wet weather promise was a waste of time because it must have rained more that we said. I assured him that I had checked the rain gauge with the attractions supervisor and it was in

fact 1.6mm. He said that we should therefore give a refund because it was so close. I explained that even

if we did that we would offer an RVP valid for 7 days. He said that we just wanted to get people in and suck their money from them. I said this is not the case, all guests who are here have a choice as to whether to enter or not. I advised him that it had been raining on and off since 9.30am.

He was not satisfied and wanted the next person up. I explained that Y was off today and that if he would like to write a letter to Y he was more than welcome. He said he would do that and hung up.